Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We hope that you’re as excited as we are for our events this month, from Bracket Madness, to the Guac-Off, DIY Sharpie Mugs, and — most exciting — our 14th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Volleyball Tournament. And with spring break coming up, we hope that you have a fantastic vacation from […]

Welcome to the New Year!
We hope you all had an amazing holiday season filled with family and food. The spring semester is just now starting, so make sure you find time to de-stress with the events we’ve got coming up. CA Carla is hosting a trivia night on January 11 to get you started with, and we’ll be having […]

Welcome to December!
Here’s hoping that all of you made it back from Thanksgiving safely, and that none of you were trampled in the beautiful American tradition that is Black Friday! If you need something to help you cope with finals season, come out to our Painting with Bob Ross event on December 4 because there’s nothing more […]
Happy November!
We hope all of you had a great October, and we were so excited to see all of you at our events last month! We have several upcoming events that we’d love to see you at, such as our Annual Chili Cook-Off on November 17, where you can show off your cooking skills for a […]

Fall Into October
We hope you all made it back to Orlando safely after Hurricane Irma! Maintenance is working diligently on any damages the hurricane may have caused. If you notice any further damage, please don’t hesitate to contact the office! In the meantime, we have a bunch of fun events planned for October in addition to Resident […]

September’s Here, Residents!
We hope your classes go well this semester. Feel free to stop by our cyber cafe for free coffee to start you off on a great semester! If you have any questions or ways we can improve our community, feel free to contact our office, and we’ll try our best to make Northgate Lakes your […]

Welcome, New and Returning Residents!
We’d like to welcome our new Northgate residents, and say hello to our returning residents! UCF classes start August 21. We do have a UCF shuttle that stops three times on the property about every 15 minutes, so you’ll never be late to class! Both Valencia and Full Sail start on August 28. Although we […]

July Is Here!
July is here, and it seems like summer is going by way too fast! If you’ve finished your summer classes and are heading home or going on vacation, be sure to stay safe. Fall is closely approaching, so make sure you have your classes in order, and that you’re familiar with shuttle routes and driving […]

Hello Residents, and Happy June!
This month, we’d like to introduce you to our newest Community Assistant, John Connor. He’s the CA for buildings A and C. Be sure to come in and say hello! We hope you enjoyed our Cinco de Mayo fiesta and taco bar as well as our Super Waffle Wednesday events last month. We have a […]

Happy May, Everyone!
We hope you had a great April. Thank you to all who came out to our Earth Day Pool Party! Congratulations to all of our residents that are graduating this month. We know it’s an important time for all of you, and we wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. Come […]