Welcome to December!
Here’s hoping that all of you made it back from Thanksgiving safely, and that none of you were trampled in the beautiful American tradition that is Black Friday! If you need something to help you cope with finals season, come out to our Painting with Bob Ross event on December 4 because there’s nothing more relaxing than the joy of painting. If food is more your style, we’ll have gingerbread houses to make with CA Jason on December 14. Let’s all make this holiday season one to remember!
Maintenance Tips
Fall/winter is finally here, and with that comes the opportunity to save on your overages! We recommend turning off your air conditioning if it is cold outside and opening your windows. If you do decide to turn on your heater, don’t be alarmed if it smells like a burning scent. This is due to it not being used in a while. Also, a friendly reminder to check the garbage disposal for any objects that may be hiding down there before you turn it on. This could save you from filling out a future work order. If you have any questions regarding maintenance, feel free to call our office at (407) 366-7474.
Reminders & Updates
Remodels will start on December 4. Pardon our dust as we remodel your favorite amenities on the property!
Rent turned in after the office opens on the 5th is considered late, so make sure to get it into the office as soon as you can.
Study hard for FINALS and have a WONDERFUL break!
If you’re traveling for the holidays, don’t forget to pick up all trash, clean all dishes, and make sure your apartment is nice and clean so that bugs don’t come in — and so you can come home to a perfectly clean place!
Tips to Help You Through Finals Week
The time that you’ve been dreading all semester is here: final exams. This is a very stressful time for everyone, so remember to take a minute just for you.
Studies have shown that when you take one minute just for yourself every 30 minutes, your grades will improve. Cramming has proven not to work because you’re stressed, exhausted, and less likely to absorb everything that you’re trying to learn. Taking a minute just for you will allow you to breathe and reset your mind as you continue to study.
After your minute, make sure to take 10 more minutes to review what you’ve learned, and then 20 more minutes of new information before you take another break.
Just thinking about final exams gets stressful, so make sure to breathe and prepare the right way. Whether you’re writing papers, presenting, or taking an exam, preparation is the best way to get an A.
Here are some professor-approved study tips:
- Drink water, not soda or energy drinks.
- Eat fruits and veggies to give you natural energy.
- Turn your phone off as you study to lessen distractions.
- Find a study partner so you can quiz each other.
- Use the on-campus tutoring centers or peer-led groups.
- Talk to your professors! It shows that you care and are trying to do well.
- Make sure to eat a good breakfast the day of your exam. It truly is the most important meal of the day.
As a member of the Campus Advantage team, we want to do all we can to help you succeed! Make sure to stop by your local front office to see what resources or events they have to help you during this stressful week. We know that all of you are going to do amazing on your final exams!
Community Events
Finals Supplies — December 1–8 — Stop by the office where we’ll be supplying all of the necessary supplies for your upcoming finals.
Happy Holiday Cards — Saturday, December 2 — Be sure to check your mailbox for a card and a special treat from your CA!
Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest — December 3–23 — Come to the front office to have a picture taken of your ugly Christmas sweater and enter to win a $50 Target gift card! Photos will be posted on Facebook and Instagram, and the winner will be the one with the most likes!
Painting with Bob Ross — Monday, December 4 from 7–9 p.m. — Stop by the clubhouse to watch an episode of Bob Ross and paint along with him, or at least try your best!
Northgate Lakes Presents: Dungeons & Dragons — Friday, December 8 from 6:30–9:30 p.m. — Join us in the theater where we’ll be continuing the story of the Curse of Strahd! The adventure will be run using the 5th edition. New players are welcome, and character sheets can be provided for those who don’t have one.
Holiday Movie Marathon — Monday, December 11 from 5–10 p.m. — Come to the clubhouse to enjoy a holiday movie marathon with a full snack bar!
Wrapping Up the Semester — Tuesday, December 12 from 5:30–7 p.m. — Join us in the clubhouse to celebrate the end of the semester and get ready for Christmas. There will be wrapping paper and gift bags available. We’ll also have leftover paper from Veterans Day cards to make Christmas cards, if you’d like.
DIY Gingerbread Houses — Thursday, December 14 from 6:30–8 p.m. — Join us in the clubhouse to partake in the fun holiday tradition of making your own gingerbread house.
Mario Kart Tournament — Monday, December 18 from 5–7:30 p.m. — Come out to the clubhouse and join us in a Mario Kart tournament for the chance to win a gift card.
Board Game Night — Thursday, December 21 from 7–8:30 p.m. — Come out to the clubhouse for a fun night of board games with snacks provided!