The following are some awesome tips on How to Build Your Credit as a College Student. Opening a Student Credit Card One of the easiest ways to start building credit is by opening a student credit card. These usually have low-interest rates, no annual percentage rate (APR) charges for the first several months or years, […]

Free Fun Things to Do in Oviedo, FL
Are you looking for something fun and cheap to do around Oviedo, Florida this week? There is plenty of free and worthwhile stuff to do around town, you just have to know where to look. That is why we at North Gate Lakes decided to put this list of fun and free activities for […]

Plan and Prepare For Your Move Ahead of Time
Plan and Prepare For Your Move Ahead of Time Weeks ahead of your move, be sure to plan everything out ahead of time. This will not only let you avoid the stress that comes with waiting until the last moment and having to do everything at once, if you’re like most of us, there’s always […]

5 Simple Tips to Make Student Living in Orlando Easier
Going to college gives you a lot of freedom, but are you prepared to live on your own? From navigating public transportation, to budgeting monthly expenses, there is a lot for students to consider. Here are simple 5 ways that you can make living on your own in college an enjoyable experience: #1: Lock Up […]

The Ultimate UCF Football Schedule [Infographic]
Hey football fans, students, and UCF Knights. Are you ready for the University of Central Florida 2017 football season? UCF football is on! The games are televised on CBS Sports Network and tickets are available at Vivid Seats. We’ve gathered up all of the information that fans and students need for this football season, including the schedule, […]

Congratulations on finishing finals and another school year!
With summer officially in swing, make sure to go relax at one (or both) of our pools! Don’t forget that Father’s Day is around the corner on June 19. This month, we’re going to be having our annual fish fry pool party on June 24, so come enjoy some free food, music, and meet your […]

Alternative Ways to Help You Sleep at UCF
Your time at the University of Central Florida has probably been flying by, and with so much to do as a college student, that’s not going to stop anytime soon! Make sure you’re establishing the best possible sleeping patterns during your time at UCF so that you’re making the most of your time here. You […]
The Ultimate Student Guide to the University of Central Florida
The University of Central Florida has only been operating under that name since 1978, but that hasn’t slowed it down from becoming one of the largest universities in the nation — ranked number two in the United States since 2011. As a member of the State University System of Florida, UCF has awarded almost 270,000 […]