Happy February!
We hope the first month back has been smooth sailing and that you’re making great grades in all of your classes. We’ve got a lot of great events this month, which you can read about in this newsletter. But we also wanted to let you know about an exciting opportunity coming up. We’ll soon be looking for the next great Community Assistant of Northgate, so be on the lookout in your emails for more details on how to apply to this awesome position!
— From Your Northgate Staff
Special Highlight
- It’s starting to get a bit chilly. If you turn on your heater, don’t be alarmed if it smells like smoke for a few minutes as the dust burns off the unit. If it persists longer that 5–10 minutes, please call the office.
- As you heat up leftovers or hot chocolate, make sure that you only use microwave-approved containers and nothing that has metal.
- Please remember that pets that haven’t been approved through the office are not allowed on the property! If you have any questions about possibly bringing a pet, please contact the office.
- Come to the office if you have any issues, and we’ll be happy to put in a work order for you.
Reminders & Updates
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Winter Winddown on January 24! We hope that you enjoyed yourself, and we also want to congratulate all of you who were the lucky recipients of our raffle drawings!
Speaking of awesome events, we want to invite you to our upcoming 15th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Volleyball Tourney! This prestigious event will be held on March 8, and you and your friends have the chance to prove just who is the true champion of sand volleyball.
Sign up with your team today (teams range from two to four people)! And don’t worry if you don’t have anyone to join you. We’ll make a list and you’ll be matched up with others who also want to play!
Focus on Career Success
Whether you are a sophomore looking at internships or a senior getting ready for that first job after graduation, the spring semester brings added pressure as you seek to set yourself apart and set yourself up for success.
Here are five tips to keep you moving forward on a career success track:
Tip #1: The key to getting hired is selling yourself better than the other candidates. What’s your pitch? Practice concise ways to share your value and what you are looking for.
Tip #2: Your resume’s only job is to get your foot in the door! Have it critiqued at the career center.
Tip #3: Google yourself: What does your online presence tell future employers? Are you focusing on your online brand? Your potential employer is! Work on shaping your presence online and off.
Tip #4: Come up with EVERY reason an employer might not hire you — and an answer for each objection. For example, “What I lack in relevant experience, I make up for with my drive and proven ability to learn new things quickly.”
Tip #5: Learn from the best! Find people doing what you want to do and doing it well — and ask them for guidance. It’ll be well worth your time and perhaps a few cups of coffee to do informational interviews with others on their success stories.
These tips are obviously just the tip of the iceberg. Watch out for career success experiences here at your community. Whether you want feedback on your pitch or need someone to critique your resume, let us know how we can help you and connect you with resources to assist in your success!
Speaking of career success, did you know that as a resident of a Campus Advantage property you have FREE access to our exclusive Career Success Portal? Browse millions of jobs, including over 500,000 unique job postings, build your resume, practice your interviewing skills, and much more. To access the Career Success Portal, visit your resident portal and look for the sign-up link!
Community Events
The Big Game Watch Party — Sunday, February 3 from 6–11 p.m. — Join us in the clubhouse to watch the big game! We’ll also be providing snacks!
Waffle Wednesday — Wednesday, February 6 from 9–11 a.m. — Join CA Grayce in the clubhouse for a home-cooked breakfast!
Trivia Night — Thursday, February 7 from 7–8:30 p.m. — Come out to the clubhouse and test your general knowledge!
Chinese New Year Celebration — Friday, February 8 from 7–8 p.m. — Come to the clubhouse to ring in the year of the pig with fun crafts and delicious treats perfect for celebrating the Chinese New Year!
National Eat Pizza Day — Monday, February 11 from 6–7 p.m. — Come enjoy FREE pizza in the clubhouse!
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club D&D — Friday, February 15 from 6–9 p.m. — The day after Valentine’s, let us gather in the clubhouse and celebrate being single and nerdy. Or, happily taken and nerdy. Either way, let’s go down a crazy rabbit hole of strange jokes and dice rolling!
Headshot Night — Monday, February 18 from 6–8 p.m. — Stop by the clubhouse to get a free professional headshot, provided by Northgate Lakes.
Waffle Wednesday — Wednesday, February 20 from 9–11 a.m. — Start your Wednesday off right with a hot meal! Join CA Grayce in the clubhouse for, you guessed it, WAFFLES!
National Love Your Pet Day with DIY Pet Toys — Wednesday, February 20 from 6:30–7:30 p.m. — Join us in the clubhouse and make homemade toys for your furry friends.
Car Wash for Relay For Life — Thursday, February 21 from 1–4 p.m. — Drop by the office with your car and our CAs will wash it for you for a donation to Relay For Life. We’ll also have burgers and hot dogs!
National Tortilla Day — Monday, February 25 from noon–2 p.m. — Stop by the clubhouse where we’ll be making burritos with tortillas and ingredients like meat, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, salsa, and guac.