How To Get Great LinkedIn Recommendations

LinkedIn is the best social media platform to present your professional history along with endorsements. No matter what line of work you’re in, having glowing recommendations throughout your profile will serve you well. For example, when a client or potential employer asks you for references you can point them to your LinkedIn profile.

All Recommendations or Endorsements Are Not Created Equal

The best LinkedIn recommendations are ones that offer specific results or tell a story of transformation. To request a LinkedIn recommendation you must be connected to the person you want to receive it from.

Also, that means, it’s not about getting large numbers of random recommendations. Rather, you ONLY want to ask for recommendations and/or accept recommendations from those people who have ACTUALLY experienced your services and/or quality of work in a positive way. In other words, please do not ask everyone you are connected with for a recommendation.

Manage Recommendations

From your profile recommendations section, you can use the request a recommendation link to send an email to an existing connection requesting they recommend you. This is your opportunity to turn your LinkedIn profile into what I call your power resume! LinkedIn has a great feature that allows people you are connected with to endorse you.

A stream of positive, glowing recommendations can be an excellent catalyst to new jobs, new clients, new traffic. It’s super-important to get them from your LinkedIn connections who also have great recommendations. So be selective… sure, recommendations are recommendations, but ones from people with credibility carry a lot more weight – so start with them!

Click here to read more on Linkedin Recommendations.