5 Simple Tips to Make Student Living in Orlando Easier
Going to college gives you a lot of freedom, but are you prepared to live on your own? From navigating public transportation, to budgeting monthly expenses, there is a lot for students to consider. Here are simple 5 ways that you can make living on your own in college an enjoyable experience:
#1: Lock Up
Even if you’re going to the pool or to the neighbors for just a few minutes, lock the door behind you. Thieves notice when a person routinely leaves their home without locking up. Lock your windows when you’re not home and don’t forget to lock the patio door. Finally, remember to lock your car doors to protect your belongings inside and don’t leave valuables out in the open.
#2: Take Your Keys Out Before You Approach Your Door
This is true for both your approach to your front door and your vehicle. If you are walking across the parking lot — especially at night — make sure to have your keys ready to get into your apartment or your car. This reduces the time fumbling for them in your bag while you are unaware of what’s going on around you.
#3: Pull Your Head Out Of Your App
There’s a lot to be said about active observation and “gut feelings”. Keeping your eyes up and activities make you more likely to recognize tough situations. Plus, taking in the world around you just may make the walk to the bus or the car that much more enjoyable!
#4: Create a Community and Know Where Help Is
By getting to know your neighbors, you can hopefully create a situation where people are looking out for you and are available to help if something does occur. Join us monthly for Students First™ events where you can get to know your neighbors and our Community Assistants!
#5: Think It Through
The best way to be prepared is to make wise choices to prevent disaster. When you’re out with friends, ensure someone always knows when (and with whom) you leave and when you get home. When you’re home, set a routine where you always lock the deadbolt and windows before bedtime. Know the numbers for the office and our after-hours line, and inform the maintenance team when you notice broken lights in hallways or less-traveled areas.
Follow these easy steps to help make your time at Northgate Lakes even more enjoyable! If you ever have questions or concerns, make sure to let our staff know and always call 9-1-1 in an emergency situation.